There are unfortunately members of the so called harm reduction movement who are in fact invested in the systematic repression of drug user empowerment. Their reasons for "keeping drug users in their place" vary from misguided concepts of what addiction and recovery mean to active drug users, to blatant racism and stigmatization based on internalized stigma projecting outward, and even to base personal reward aka "poverty pimps" using grant money intended for the drug using community to enrich themselves. A prime example is the many members of the non profit industry who refuse to employ active drug users or let them have any say in the decision making process .
Even when those decisions affect life and death situations for drug users they refuse to allow us to advocate for ourselves. Everywhere that Intravenous Drug Users congregate there should be 24/7 access to clean syringes but instead we see needle exchanges running in the same limited timeslots that they have for generations. Who does this benefit the NGO taking the same old grant money for their once a week two hour window or the drug user who has to resort to attempts to clean a used rig at 2a.m. in the morning?
This is not to say that good and even great things are being done for drug users in the name of harm reduction. Distribution of needles and naloxone have saved thousands of drug users lives. It's the hangover of paternalistic attitudes that reinforces the belief that active drug users are limited in their abilities to do anything a "non using" person can do that is holding us back from truly enjoying the freedoms promised by the end of the drug war. So do us a favor stop holding us back and you can come forward with us. Or stay a shrouded enemy and reap the karma you sow.
The following is a current list of the goals of D.U.R.A.N. aka The Drug User Rights Action Network : 1. To highly publicize the human rights abuses of drug users . 2. Form a coalition of drug user groups and other organizations that explicitly support drug user rights. 3. Promote the formation of new drug user unions/groups in California and the United States.
You are an outspoken hero for saying this. I am totally with you and your endeavors regarding this principle. You let me know where to donate my time and money, and I will be there!
ReplyDeleteA call for accountability is in order Mr. Lorenz. Surely you can put together substantial documents to prove what you're saying. Grants being misspent affect the entire drug user community both short and long term. PLEASE do so!
ReplyDeleteNepotism is obvious and needs little to document the obvious hiring of family ,friends, and partners. Taking family and partners to international conferences instead of community members is also obvious. Why be anonymous who are you afraid of? If a court order becomes necessary a class action by former staff who suffered verbal abuse will provide.
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